For everything there is a season. A time for everything under Heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to grow, and a time to be small. A time to sow seeds, and a time to taste their fruit. A time to hurt, and a time to be well. A time to give comfort, and a time to grieve. A time to share, and a time to receive. A time to love, and a time to be loved. A time to study, and a time to take root. A time to work, and a time to rest. A time to sail, and a time to drift. A time to pause, and a time to rush forward. A time to pray, and a time to hold back from praying. A time to ask forgiveness, and a time to forgive others. A time to be angry, and a time to let go of anger. A time to defend, and a time for the peace of the brave.
Ecclesiastes is one of 24 books of the Tanakh.