Welcome to the seventh volume of Jewels of Elul. In just a few days you and tens of thousands of people around the world will begin receiving daily inspirations for the upcoming Holy Days. Here is my introduction.
In recent times scientists have acknowledged the importance of light, even naming a new syndrome, Seasonal Affective Disorder, to describe the ways in which people suffer from lack of light during winter months. Our tradition recognized the significance of light thousands of years earlier, commanding us to welcome the Sabbath and Holy days with the lighting of lights.
The writer Gabriel García Márquez shares:
“If for an instant God were to forget that I am rag doll and gifted me with a piece of life… I would sleep little, dream more, understanding that for each minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of Light.”
To the writers and people involved in bringing Jewels of Elul Volume 7 to life, I extend my deepest thanks. It has been an honor to be a gatherer of your light.
Please pass these Jewels on to your family and friends, answer one of the “Questions of the Day” and use the coming month of Elul as a time of growth.
Finally, if you are moved by the light and inspiration you find in these pages, please consider making a contribution here to Beit Tshuvah.
Every cent of your “Jewels” contribution will support the work of this incredible healing community and 12 Step recovery program. In appreciation of your gift (in any amount), Beit Tshuvah will send you printed copies of this years booklet.
Let there be Light!
Craig Taubman