Elul 26 ~ A Life of Trust, A Life of Peace by Reverand Wilma Jakobsen

We approach the holidays in reflection upon our lives, who we are, whom and what we treasure, what matters for our hearts, our souls, our lives. As we do this a vision for the next year can emerge.We are inspired by those who have gone before us, like 90 year old Brother Roger of Taizé, founder of the Taizé Community in France, who had a profound influence on thousands of peoples lives worldwide and who was killed this August. He founded a community where reconciliation would be lived out in daily life, where “Love would be at the heart of all things.” He hid Jewish refugees in his home during World War II and over the years, his community became a place of welcome for all. Each year thousands of people from more than eighty countries visit this community of Catholics and Protestants, bridging a host of differences. Brother Roger said that “God is Love alone; God is united to every human being without exception.” He believed that a future of peace is possible. As the new year begins, let us follow his example and ask God for strength and courage to be bearers of peace and trust wherever we are.

Reverand Wilma Jakobsen is a South African Anglican priest, currently Senior Associate of Liturgy, Peace & Justice at All Saints Church in Pasadena. www.allsaints-pas.org

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