Elul 25 ~ Dream Large. And Share Your Dreams by Angelo Mozilo

As a teenager in a family of very modest means, I had many dreams-ideas about what I wanted to achieve. So I got an after-school job at a mortgage company. After college, I stayed on with that company and I was sent on the road as a loan officer. I visited communities and met many others who had dreams-dreams of owning a home.Everywhere, I met hard-working families and individuals. Yet some of them found their dreams of homeownership impossible to achieve. Discrimination, subtle and not so subtle, stood in the path of racial and ethnic minorities who wanted to purchase a home. But many of these families would not be denied. They were determined to own a home. And their strength inspired me to expand my own dreams. I envisioned a home loan company that would make sure minorities had the opportunity to own a home. In 1969, my dream came true. My business partner and I founded Countrywide. Today, the dreams of individuals and families continue to inspire me and the company I am proud to call my life’s achievement. Dream large. And share your dreams. Dreams can inspire change that makes a positive difference in the lives of millions.

Angelo Mozilo is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Countrywide Financial Corporation.

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