Elul 21 ~ Be Prepared ~ Justin Lee Schultz

I have always had a great relationship with my parents since before I can remember.

When I started my journey in music at the age of five up, and even today, I feel that it has been my parents’ shoulders that I’ve been standing on. They’ve taught me to always be consistent, patient, kind, and to have fun in everything I do.

This has translated directly into my journey in music and life. My dad Julius Schultz, is the person who was the critical inspiration in my life that ignited my passion for music. He is a jazz guitarist; therefore, he has mentored, guided, and passed down his knowledge and experience to me ever since I started playing. He’s always pushed me to try my best and still continues to do so.

One piece of advice my dad has given me that has stuck with me is that, “it’s better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. “

I’ve stood on my parents’ shoulders in the past, and continue to do so today.

Justin Lee Schultz is a fifteen-year-old multi-instrumentalist from South Africa, living in the USA. www.biglink.to/JLS

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