Elul 15: Welcome Home by Yehoshua Fass

The art of welcoming is an integral part of Nefesh B’Nefesh’s daily efforts to help build a stronger Israel. Our organization has made its mark on the Jewish world by welcoming over 35,000 Olim (immigrants) since we first opened our doors in 2002. A warm welcome is a critical element in the successful absorption of these new Israeli citizens. The Oleh should feel proud of their decision, welcomed by their new neighbors, applauded for their courage, and honored for their brave and life-changing choice to come home.

Along the way we have been privileged to encounter many inspirational stories – stories of heroism and Jewish identity. Some of these stories may be viewed in a historical context such as the young man who descended the plane holding a sign in memory of his grandfather who fought in the Israeli army in 1948. In welcoming him home, we helped fulfill a grandfather’s dream and a young man’s destiny. Others represent continuity and rebirth such as the emotional welcome of Maayan Luebitz from New Jersey who was named after Maayan Naim, a 19-year-old soldier killed by a terrorist in 2004. When Maayan made Aliyah with her family we got to watch as she was greeted on the tarmac by the deceased Maayan’s bereaved parents in a tearful embrace of joy and hope.

While inspiring stories such as these abound, every Oleh has a unique story, representing the fulfillment of a century’s long journey and a lifelong dream to return to their homeland. Each welcoming is another step in the realization and fulfillment of our national destiny. That is why we make it a priority to ensure that all Olim get the warm welcome they deserve. Their place is in Israel, and our place is to open our arms and our hearts and welcome them home.

Rabbi Yehoshua Fass is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Nefesh B’Nefesh which has welcomed over 35,000 newcomers to Israel since 2002. www.nbn.org.il

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