A Note from Craig Taubman

How do you measure 10 years of life?

10 years is a fifth of my adult life, a third of my marriage.

10 years is a third of my children’s lives, a decade in which they moved out and became independent adults.

10 years marks my transition from leading Friday Night Live at Sinai, to running a multi-faith cultural arts center at the first home of Sinai Temple.

10 years is a basket which holds personal battles with the deaths of family members, pets, and friends – even as I am blessed to have my parents and Louise’s parents in my life.

10 years is the life of a book- of Jewels, that keeps writing itself through remarkable people sharing perspectives.

In these past 10 years I have also witnessed contributors leave jobs, start new work, retire, marry, divorce, graduate, transition, and pass away. If I were Jacob, the past 10 years have been the angel I struggle with in wakefulness and in sleep – making my mind stronger, and my body a little less strong. I have become a more independent thinker, and more dependent on the support of family and friends. I think the late composer Jonathan Larson captured my feelings best:

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, a year in the life?
How about love? Measure in love.

To a year full of seasons of love.

Craig Taubman is the producer of Jewels of Elul. www.craignco.com

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