Elul 15 ~ Greg Reid ~ attrACTION

How many times have we had a million dollar Aha moment in the shower, only to watch it go down the drain as we brush our teeth in the mirror.

Ten years later we see a billboard with that same concept and we shout – hey wait, that’s my idea. The only difference between you and the other person is how one person acted.

It’s the ACTION in the law of attrACTION that makes our dreams come true. First we need to think it, then we need to feel it, and then we have to DO it!

The legendary Les Brown once said “you have greatness within you – perhaps today is the day we dust those ideas off and get them into motion. You got this.”

Greg Reid is an author, speaker, filmmaker and dad. www.GregReid.com

For Every Jewel There is a Question:
What’s the dream you’ve been quietly holding?

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