Elul 16 – Can We Talk? by Billy Jonas

Dear God:  I’m sad…I’m seeking light. Why? Isn’t everyone seeking light? No. I am. I prefer to be happy. I understand what you seek. You don’t, though. I’m not seeking light? Dude: My eternal flame dances in your heart, emanating from your eyes and fingers, radiating through your voice, your action and every loving intention (lightning and thunder)…my light surrounds you as a glowing penumbral testament to the primordial atomic flash point from which you and all life promulgates eternal. [thunderous echo]. Whoa…That’s cool. But I feel awful. It’s the worst. Almost. It’s gotta get worser. Why? You’re running from it.  But when I’m in pain, I’ll do anything not to feel it.  You’re gonna have to spend some time with this darkness.  Okay…. OW…. How now? Really bad…And now?  Same. PLEASE…. GOD….   …And …Now…? …Shifting…. Keep going.  Allow me to keep showing you.  Give me time to reveal light to you, in ways you would never even have known to ask for. You’re telling me that to seek light, I have to feel like crap? Sometimes, yes. So to seek light, I must seek darkness….  No – allow it. I’m telling you to use the darkness as a doorway into the light that’s already there. Whatever’s in the way, embrace. It carries a message.  A sign?  Barring appendicitis, there’s usually only one core message: remember Me. Sincerely, humbly, ask for my help. Allow me to show you your deeper truth.  And as light comes…let it consume you.

Billy Jonas is a composer, singer–songwriter and industrial re–percussionist who has enchanted and inspired folks from all walks of life for more than two decades, touching hearts, souls, and minds worldwide. www.billyjonas.com

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